13 Apr 2023
Helping shipyard production directors hit project deadlines
When you’ve worked in the shipbuilding marine sector, for as long as we have, it gives us the advantage of having interacted with multiple Production Directors, Contracts Managers, and Project Managers over the years. From Glasgow to Falmouth, we have supplied resources to every one of the U.K.’s busy shipyards. It means the SLR team has a great deal of experience and insight that helps them support Production Directors.
Project Managers, Production Directors and Contract Managers in Shipbuilding all have key hit project deadlines to hit. We’re focussing in this blog on how we help Production Directors stay on track with skilled tradespeople.
Strong communication may sound like an obvious asset to have when meeting resource needs for shipbuilding projects, but it really is one of the key elements in our relationship with busy shipyards. For SLR complete transparency is also intrinsically woven into this. We know that managing peaks and troughs in shipbuilding can only happen if you can rely on the flow of labour when needed. This is why every single one of our team members effectively communicates whether on the phone, by email or in person.
A network of skilled marine tradespeople
A Production Director needs to know that they are dealing with a recruiter that can access the right people at the right time. So much of shipbuilding is project driven and involves the temporary gathering of resources for a specific time. When those trades have fulfilled that element of a shipbuilding project, they move on to the next. This is facilitated through SLR every time. What this means is over the years, we’ve built up a vast network of candidates that we can call upon and divert to projects at exactly the right stage. It means we’re not wasting time looking for people.
When you ask, we already have relationships and access to those people vastly reducing costly delays in drawn-out recruitment processes.
Marine sector specialism
The shipbuilding and marine repair industry is like no other, and that is why the SLR team have chosen to specialise in this area. Recruitment in this sector is vastly different to other industries and every single one of our team understands the complex nature of labour needs, and how project-driven timings are in shipbuilding. They bring that understanding of busy UK shipyard needs to help reduce the pressures on Production Directors. It makes us proactive and reactive to match the labour needs at each relevant stage.
Helping shipyard production directors hit project deadlines.
The biggest way that we support the Production Directors within the shipbuilding industry is through having an innate understanding of their timeline. Our team are experienced in the complex nature of shipbuilding projects and knows how reliant those Production Directors are on a steady flow of skilled tradespeople at the right stage of the project to hit those key milestones. Deploying skilled labour at critical stages of a build is how we help production directors stay on time and within budget.
Labour requirements when you need them to hit deadlines – come and have a chat with the SLR team today.