How to Complete Your Application to Show Experience and Gaps
Once you have completed your tour in the armed forces and are ready to return to a more quiet and simple life amongst everyone else in society, it can be quite daunting initially, to adapt to such a different setting. Therefore you might think to yours…
Further Reading
What Is Security Clearance?
SLR Recruitment Solutions provides specialist resourcing services for clients looking to recruit security cleared or clearable candidates. We are not a list X company and therefore unable to process security clearances directly. This is usually done by…
The busy refit and shipbuilding industry
The refit and shipbuilding industry is going strong at the moment. It’s one of the sectors that always seems to be doing well, no matter what is going on in the world at the time. It’s for this reason that it’s one of the best sectors to get into if yo…
The Benefits of Subcontracting for Work
There are very many life skills, technical specialisms, and general competencies associated with being in the armed forces. When leaving military life, returning back to civilian employment can either be easier or more difficult than you had imagined.…
The importance of good communication when seeking work
Getting back into a work environment can be difficult after being in the armed forces, especially if you’re struggling with qualifications. There are a number of skills that are essential in the workplace, and some are going to play an important role w…